Portrait - Stanislav Petrov

Stanislav Petrov was a Soviet lieutenant colonel and the man who single-handedly prevented a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union. On September 26, 1983, Petrov was on duty at a missile detection bunker when he received an alert that the United States had launched a missile towards the Soviet Union. Despite the protocols in place, Petrov trusted his instincts and decided not to report the alert, ultimately preventing a retaliatory attack.
This short documentary explores the life and legacy of Stanislav Petrov.
Narrated by himself, Stanislav Petrov, and his son Dmitry Petrov.

Director - Aleksandr Urzhanov
Editor - Philippe Gnannt
Sound Design - Linus Klähn
Music - Siavash Amini
Created for Arte (via Kobalt Productions)
Special thanks to Lawrence English & BBC
A man sits in a control room that was made to surveil America during the Cold War.A picture of Stanislav Petrov, the man who saved the world.Picture of a missile being launched.